Michael O. Brooks
Founder & Chairman
“With great blessings come great responsibility. ”
Member Since: 2007
Currently Resides in Glen Arm, Maryland
Tell us about your professional background. I am the Chairman and CEO of Brooks Financial Group, Inc. and also the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Founders Financial, a national organization of independent financial advisors.
In 2007, I established Building For God Community Foundation in order to engage a broader audience in meeting the needs of our local community.
Why did you choose to get involved with Building for God Community Foundation? With the establishment of Brooks Financial Group, Inc. in 1991, an annual community tithe was built into the original organizational charter. In the years that followed, Brooks Financial Group’s commitment to serving the community continued to evolve and mature. Others took notice and inquired as to how they might be able to support the charitable works being done. This pushed me to create a formal mission and vision plan which would solidify the purpose of the Foundation– to serve, love, and care for the needs of our local community. A more complete history of the Building for God Community Foundation can be found on our website.
In what ways are you connected to the community? I am connected to the community physically, professionally, socially, but most importantly, my heart is connected to the community. It is this love of community and a desire to help others that has made the establishment and continued success of Building for God Community Foundation one of my life's greatest blessings. With our vision plan firmly in place, I hope to servant lead the efforts of this foundation for years to come so that we might benefit of those who need our help the most.