So often, the dreams we most passionately pursue are built upon the values instilled in us early in life and nurtured throughout the years. Such is the case with Building for God Community Foundation.
Founded in 2007, Building for God Community Foundation has roots which can be traced back 40+ years to a conversation between mother and son. As Paula Brooks and her son Michael drove down the backroads of a Towson neighborhood, the discussion turned to the topic of hardship vs. abundance. Why were the houses so run down? Why isn’t something being done?
From the heart of a wise mother came the lessons of community, compassion, and responsibility. Paula introduced the concept of a life journey—serving God and His spirit though your works. She left her son to consider which was greater: titles and accomplishments or the testimony you build through your caring and loving works? With great blessings come great responsibility.
Though life moved forward, like a laser imprinting an image, a permanent image had been formed in Michael’s mind. With the establishment of Brooks Financial Group in 1991, an annual community tithe was built into the original organizational charter. In the years that followed, Brooks Financial Group’s commitment to serving the community continued to evolve and mature. Others took notice. From 2004-2006 a number of Brooks Financial Group’s professional relationships inquired as to how they might be able to support the charitable works being done. This pushed Michael to create a formal mission and vision plan which would solidify the purpose of the Foundation– to serve, love, and care for the needs of our local community.
In 2008 Building for God Community Foundation held its first event – the Community Cup Golf Invitational. Since then, the Community Cup has become a treasured day of fellowship and caring. In 2014, in order to deliver support and distribute funds to an array of deserving entities in the local community, the Champion in Life Grant Award program was established. To celebrate and honor the grant award recipients, the Foundation embraced a second event – the Champion in Life Celebration. In its first year, ten wonderful organizations were celebrated for the good works they do in our community. Each year the Champion in Life Celebration grows and flourishes.
It’s been a remarkable path and from where we stand today, the future looks brighter than ever.
““In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
-Proverbs 3:6”